Every guy needs to have some emergency tricks up his sleeve for preventing premature ejaculation. Many guys suffer from this, but even if you normally last longer, you can always get over excited or find yourself with an extremely beautiful woman and that's when premature ejaculation can suddenly strike.
These PE prevention tricks have saved me numerous times. I've successfully lasted long enough using them, and if I didn't have these in the back of my mind, I would have definitely ejaculated much too quickly, creating an obviously embarrassing situation.
Well, then you should first learn about these four myths of premature ejaculation and banish your early ejaculation woes for good.
1. Premature ejaculation is a sexual disease that has no cure
2. You can use "distraction techniques" to last longer in bed
3. If you ejaculate within 2 minutes, you have premature ejaculation
4. Pills are the best way to treat early ejaculation issues
Premature ejaculation prevention guide described above would definitely help in curing depression. They may not work always, and in certain cases the services of an expert or medication may be required.